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Business Improvements

  • Increased Weekly Average OEE by 12%: Through focused efforts and strategic planning, we were able to improve Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) on a weekly basis, resulting in enhanced productivity and reduced downtime.​

  • Improved Weekly Average Throughput by 10%: By implementing efficient processes and optimizing production workflows, we achieved a significant increase in throughput, resulting in an additional 619,484 units produced per week. This equates to the productivity of an 8-hour shift.​

  • Implemented New Cleaning Process: As part of our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality and hygiene, we successfully implemented a new cleaning process within the process area. This action was in response to a BRC audit and ensured compliance with industry regulations.​

  • Engaged and Empowered Area Leaders: Through effective communication and leadership, we engaged and empowered our Area Leaders to take ownership of their positions. This resulted in improved coordination, problem-solving, and decision-making within their respective areas.​

  • Designed Handover Information Board: To ensure smooth transitions between shifts and enhance communication, we designed and implemented a handover information board. This visual tool streamlined the exchange of critical information, minimizing errors and maximizing efficiency.​

  • Enhanced Team Engagement: By fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, we successfully improved team engagement. This led to increased morale, collaboration, and overall productivity.​

  • Improved Fault Finding: Through targeted training and skill development, we enhanced our team's ability to identify and resolve faults in a timely manner. This proactive approach reduced downtime and improved overall operational efficiency.​

  • Reduced Downtime and Waste: By implementing various process improvements and closely monitoring performance, we successfully reduced downtime and waste. This optimization resulted in cost savings and improved resource utilization.​

  • Designed Statistical Process Control (SPC) Charts: To better track and analyze performance, we designed Statistical Process Control (SPC) charts. These visual tools provided real-time data insights, allowing us to identify trends, make informed decisions, and drive continuous improvement.​

  • By focusing on these improvements, we were able to enhance the overall operational performance of the Tea Manufacturing Plant in Andover. Through leadership, strategic planning, and a dedication to continuous improvement, we successfully achieved measurable results and promoted a culture of excellence within the organization

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